Electro Specter Emerges

Electro Specter emerging from a pile of liquid metal. The Electro Specter is another enemy that I'd not had a lot of interest in drawing for a good while. It wasn't until I was reading through the Player's Guide one day and read that it was "a lethal combination of energy and molten metal" that I was inspired to do this, one of my very favorite pieces of my EB art.
In my mind, I pictured a pool of liquid metal (a la Terminator 2) running uphill and morphing up into the Electro Specter, electricity arcing from it as it solidified. I also envisionned vein-like tunnels of the liquid rushing up, not unlike lava tubes. I feel that I'd captured all of that pretty successfully.
I also opted for axe-like and hammer-like "hands", to illustrate a "morphing" type ability.

Electro Specter emerging from a pile of liquid metal. The Electro Specter is another enemy that I'd not had a lot of interest in drawing for a good while. It wasn't until I was reading through the Player's Guide one day and read that it was "a lethal combination of energy and molten metal" that I was inspired to do this, one of my very favorite pieces of my EB art.
In my mind, I pictured a pool of liquid metal (a la Terminator 2) running uphill and morphing up into the Electro Specter, electricity arcing from it as it solidified. I also envisionned vein-like tunnels of the liquid rushing up, not unlike lava tubes. I feel that I'd captured all of that pretty successfully.
I also opted for axe-like and hammer-like "hands", to illustrate a "morphing" type ability.