Bad Buffalo

This is one of those EB enemies I've avoided drawing for a while, due to lack of interest. In the summer of 2006, I was without a computer to draw with, so I tried to draw most all of the EB enemies on paper over about a month. When I got to the Bad Buffalo, it occurred to me that one of the things he can drop was a towel. Nearly a year later, digitally inked and coloured the drawing to get what you see here. :)

This is one of those EB enemies I've avoided drawing for a while, due to lack of interest. In the summer of 2006, I was without a computer to draw with, so I tried to draw most all of the EB enemies on paper over about a month. When I got to the Bad Buffalo, it occurred to me that one of the things he can drop was a towel. Nearly a year later, digitally inked and coloured the drawing to get what you see here. :)